Mongolian Fishing Special>>
8 days itinerary in Mongolia
4 fishing days to catch & release:
Taimen; rainbow trout; arctic grayling; grayling lenok, pike; skin carp; sturgeon; dolly
warden; Mongolian grayling.
April 20- October 1
​Maral Stag hunt>>
9 days itinerary in Mongolia
5 hunting days
September 1- November 1
Please contact us for more information, references, available dates and prices
We offer wide range of hunting and fishing packages to suit your interests and time availability. All our trips can be customized to your needs.
Argali hunts>>
Altai Argali
16 days itinerary in Mongolia
13 hunting days
July 1- October 1
Hangai or Gobi Argali
14 days itinerary in Mongolia
11 hunting days
July 1- October 1
​Ibex hunts>>
Altai Ibex hunt
9 days itinerary in Mongolia
5 hunting days
July 15- October 15
Gobi Ibex hunt
9 days itinerary in Mongolia
5 hunting days
July 15- October 15
Mongolian Safari Special>>
18 days itinerary in Mongolia
14 hunting days to collect up to 7 species including:
Altai & Gobi Ibex, Maral Stag, Wild Boar, Roe Deer, White gazelle & Grey Wolf
July 15- October 30
Combo hunts>>
Altai & Gobi Ibex
14 days itinerary in Mongolia
8 hunting days
July 15- October 15
Gobi Ibex & White gazelle
10 days itinerary in Mongolia
6 hunting days
September 1 - October 15
White gazelle & Wolf
7 days itinerary in Mongolia
4 hunting days
September 1 - November 1
Wingshooting Special>>
8 days itinerary in Mongolia
5 hunting days to collect up to 160 birds including:
Shelducks: ruddy & common
Mergansers: eurasian goosander, red-breasted, smew
Pochards: red-crested, common, tufted, greater scaup
Teals: eurasian greed windged, garganey
Puddle ducks: mallard, northern pintail, euroasian wigeon, gadwall
April 10- May 1 & Sep 1- October 30
Upland Bird Hunt>>
8 days itinerary in Mongolia
5 hunting days to collect the following species:
Capercaille, Black cock, Hazel and Black grouses
March 1- 15 & Sep 1- November 15